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Addendums to WAWE Regulation 2024

Dear WAWE members and riders!


Please note this Addendums to WAWE Regulation 2024:


Due to the fact that there have been some doubts and the use of improper utensils, and also due to the fact that all the regulations cannot fully clarify what can happen in competitions, the WAWE Board would like to inform you that:


  1. The President of the Jury is free to exclude, in the spirit of common sense that should govern his function and giving all the necessary importance to animal welfare, couples whose harness contain utensils that are not included in the prohibitions of the Regulations but could conceal or cause difficulties in fulfiling the tasks of the paddock judge or be likely to harm the good and natural performance of the horse.
  1. The horse's mouth can be protected from the bridle with rubber rings with until 9 cm in diameter (maximum).


Thank you and best regards,


WAWE Board